Building on twenty years of investment experience, Access Capital Partners investment programs are dedicated to European Smaller Buy-outs, Infrastructure and Private Debt through primary fund commitments, secondary transactions as well as direct and co-investments.

Investment programs managed by Access have been consistently focused on the small and mid-cap market segments in Europe. Access has set up a dedicated team for each of its business lines.


Fund investments

Access actively invests in the best performing teams managing funds of less than € 1bn in size and targeting sub € 250m enterprise value companies, through primary commitments and secondary transactions. The dedicated fund selection team targets smaller buy-out fund opportunities in which the buy-and-build approach, international expansion, and operational improvements are the key drivers of value creation. This investment philosophy reflects Access’ belief that fundamental value creation is a more robust and sustainable source of return, through economic cycles, than sole reliance on financial leverage. Access has stuck with these fundamental principles to generate a sustainable return model for its Investors since inception.        

Direct and co-investments

Drawing on its longstanding relationships with the best performing fund managers, Access offers direct co-investment opportunities in portfolio companies through dedicated vehicles. Key drivers of value are pricing discipline, controlled levels of leverage, combined with turnover and EBITDA growth, achieved organically and/or using a buy and build model. 


Selected investment examples



Buy-out AUM
Since 1999
Investing in the small cap
Manager relationships
Institutional clients
Companies currently in portfolio

See the Team

In Infrastructure, Access’ objective is to generate a combination of recurrent yield with long-term capital appreciation through fund investments and direct investments in brownfield infrastructure assets, primarily within Western Europe, and often with a “buy-grow-and-hold” strategy.

Amidst growing needs for Infrastructure and restricted public spending, private capital in this sector can offer investors attractive risk/return characteristics bolstered by the essential nature of the assets, their ability to generate stable long-term yield and their resilience to changing economic cycles.

Fund investments

Access’ fund of funds strategy is focused on European infrastructure funds, via selective primary fund commitments and opportunistic secondary transactions.
The investment objective is to build a diversified portfolio with exposure to different market sectors (energy, renewables, telecommunications, transportation, utilities and social infrastructure) and market segments (small, mid, large assets), though established generalist and sector focused funds. 

Direct and co-investments

Access’ direct investment strategy is focused on stable brownfield European infrastructure assets across the energy, renewables, telecommunications, transportation, utilities and social infrastructure sectors. Leveraging on the team’s direct infrastructure investment expertise together with longstanding relationships with European fund managers, Access seeks to partner with infrastructure fund managers, institutional investors and industrial partners.

Selected investment examples


Infrastructure AUM
16 direct
Investments completed
Since 2008
Investing in infrastructure

See the Team


The Private Debt team provides debt capital through mezzanine financing and other subordinated debt instruments to European companies with enterprise value in the range of €50-€500m.
In this strategy, Access aims at addressing opportunities that present a stable and attractive risk-adjusted return, yearly cash distributions and a high level of downside protection for the benefit of the clients.

Access also invests in European Private Debt funds, typically below €1bn in size, through primary commitments and secondary transactions.

Selected investment examples



Private Debt AUM
18 direct
Investments completed
Since 2011
Investing in Private Debt
Manager relationships

See the Team