Access offers its clients to manage their assets via investments in closed end funds or via tailored dedicated vehicles. 

  Smaller Buy-outs Infrastructure Private  Debt
Primary funds

High-grade domestic or pan-European funds

Below €1bn in size

Targeting companies with Enterprise Value below €250m

Fostering growth through operational improvements, digitalisation, buy-and-build strategies, international expansion

High-grade European infrastructure funds

Primarily operational assets offering predictable cash flows

Funds investing in diversified sectors: transportation, energy & utilities,
communications, social

Mezzanine and other Private Debt funds

Below €1bn in size

Targeting mezzanine, subordinated debt and unitranche instruments in companies with Enterprise Value below €500m

Full flexibility in balancing fund investments and direct co-investments

Possibility to over/underweight regional allocations

Discretionary or non discretionary programs

Legal structure adapted to regulatory constraints. On-going interaction the Access’ team  

Transfer of expertise

Secondary transactions

Single or multiple fund transactions

Direct secondary transactions

Single or multiple fund transactions

Direct secondary transactions

Single or multiple fund transactions

Direct secondary transactions

Direct and co-investments Investments alongside high-quality managers in European companies with Enterprise Value below €250m with high growth potential

Focused on operational assets in Europe able to generate immediate and recurring cash flows

Investments alongside infrastructure fund managers, institutional investors and industrial partners

Investments in mezzanine, subordinated debt and unitranche instruments alongside private equity managers in European companies with Enterprise Value below €500m able to generate strong yearly distributions
Return  profile Capital gain oriented Cash yield oriented Cash yield oriented Investment strategy tailored
to required risk/return


co- mingled



Funds of funds are mainly designed to provide privileged access and increased diversification to investors through a prudent selection of high quality performing funds. Investors, who do not have access to the best funds due to capital constraints or who do not possess the necessary internal resources, select funds of funds to benefit from:

Pro-active sourcing of fund investment opportunities

Constant data gathering and market intelligence

Professional commercial, legal and fiscal due diligence

Access to the most sought-after funds

Adequate geographic, sector and vintage diversification

Negotiation of terms and conditions of underlying funds

Regular monitoring of fund managers with respect to investment policy, diversification ratios, compliance, risk management, team changes, etc.



Access’ direct funds are designed to provide direct exposure to high quality assets on a cost-effective basis in the Smaller Buy-out, Infrastructure and Private Debt spaces across Europe, via distinct vehicles.

Investments are generally completed alongside most experienced fund managers, institutional investors or industrial partners in Access’ network.

As a matter of principle, Access seeks to be involved with investment opportunities early in their assessment, working closely alongside the lead investor or industrial partner.

Access seeks to be a “value add” co-investor. the dedicated teams’ knowledge and experience enable them to bring a wider viewpoint to the transactions and add insight, relevant advice and a network of resources aimed at improving the outcome of the investment.


tailor- made


Segregated accounts are designed to meet specific portfolio allocation requirements in Access’ areas of expertise and lines of business. Access’ investment platform is uniquely positioned to offer exposure to the desired market niches and meet specific risk-return profiles.

Access offers high quality client relationship management through on-going dialogue, market watch and tailor made reporting formats.


If you are looking for a solution tailored to your need, contact us for more information